1. Your so silly, you just made my morning! Thanks for the inspiration! I always have left over veggis and me and fiance hate making borning sandwhiches for work lunches.. this is a good idea. AND WHO DOESNT LOVE BACON?!?!? mmmmm pregnancy cravings happening now.

  2. A magic eraser will wipe that crayon right off. I learned the hard way….. With pencil. Maren informed me. She’s changed my life, now, in more ways than one.
    Thanks for the complimento :)

  3. Carolyn! You are my fav!

    Seriously you think like me and I think we could possibly be some degree of bffs if we lived closer than hundreds of miles apart. I embrace the wrap as well for lunch, especially since I struggle to eat veggies many days. I’m also the one at the restaurant who looks through the sides for my dish like, “Hmmm I could get the green beans….or garden salad…..or HEY LOOK THEY HAVE MAC AND CHEESE I’LL TAKE THAT!” :-)

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