1. Hi Carolyn, I am Heather Fords aunt. It was so strange that I read your post to begin with because I normally don’t read things like this. It was really lovely. Anyway, my children and I have been dealing with health issues for years. We just recently found out that we have MTHFR mutations that need to be addressed. Don’t know if you know anything about these but these mutations can lead to autism. We are working with a doctor that treats autism and the genetic mutations that we are dealing with. I just felt compelled to send you this information. I hope that it helps. Here is a link to her website http://www.dramyyasko.com/. At the bottom of the home page there is a link to download her book for free. Many blessing to you and your family. Will pray for you and yours.

  2. It can be trying at times that is for sure. People will judge and people will understand. As long as you are doing the best for you’re little one then the rest doesn’t matter.

  3. Before Daniel was diagnosed with his developmental delays and being on the spectrum, I used to think that I was just completely screwing up with teaching him things and wondered why I was so completely stupid at everything. Once they explained it all to me, it made sense.

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