1. Carolyn, I love your blog and always mean to comment but somehow I always seem to get distracted lol. I totally feel you on your troubles with Emmett. I can’t speak to your situation, but I’ve always had pressure (mostly from my mil who is a behavior specialist so she knows about these kinds of things…eye roll) to have my son checked for mild spectrum autism. I never did because I recognized his personality at once…he’s highly sensitive, just like me.
    I thank my lucky stars I was born a girl because I probably wouldve been diagnosed austic. For some reason when a girl is shy and quiet, and even fussy about small things people think it’s sweet (oh what a delicate nature she has) but when a boys like that something must be wrong.
    But now that we’re past the frustrating 2 year old stage my son has really started to bloom in terms of talking and expressing himself and controlling his emotions. He still is sensitive and we have to be cautious about stressful situations, but nobody even kind of suggests he may have a “problem” anymore. In fact, studies have shown that sensitive children benefit from “good parenting” and “good learning environments” much more than other children. So they have really incredible potential but you have to ease it out of them lol.
    Side note, he was a really late talker, and my oldest is also a motor mouth, so one day a sneaky little idea popped into my head and I asked my DD to talk to her brother instead of me to try to help him talk back to her. Saved my sanity, and it really did get him to start talking more. Also, I have to tell her to be quiet a lot so her brother can get a word in lol.

    If you’re interested here’s some more stuff about highly sensitive personalities

    And a small personality test

    Best of luck!

    1. Kierstin. Wow. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. What wonderful, thoughtful advice. And you are right, I kind of have to “ease it out of him” AND I’ve recently wondered the exact thing about myself! Even as an adult, I enjoy the repetition of drawing, crocheting, even typing, obsessing over details… I wondered if had I been a boy, autism would have been in discussion.
      How interesting!
      Thank you so, so much for your kind and helpful words. I means so much!

  2. The reason Collin crawls faster than your other two ever did was because your other two never crawled to 9 months! They were walking!

  3. #2: Love the face. I love it!

    #5: *raises a fist in solidarity*

    #6: Coke’s on my exception list too. Unfortunately, it also happens to be on the “things that aggravate my ulcer and might cause stomach bleeding” list. Le sigh.

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