1. I love those Busted Halo video’s, I showed that one to our youth group last Sunday.
    I just ordered Jen’s book this week and can’t wait to see it! :)

  2. I blame myself for the “generational lack of order” that you accuse yourself of having. You didn’t miss anything you just weren’t taught it by me. I suffer from this also. Waffle waffle….

  3. I’m so with you on 4, 13, and 14. It really is hard to find time to go to confession when you have young kids and a husband who works unusual hours! I’m just glad I was able to squeeze it in last week.

    I need to pre-order Jen’s book. I really want to read that e-book that she’s offering. I’d love to lock myself away for a weekend and do nothing but read and write, but that’s not going to happen anytime soon! It’s not like I’m going to regret time with my family over time spent writing on my death bed, though!

    Have a good week!

  4. I haven’t the slightest why your blog isn’t numba one stunna all day. I seriously get so much out of every post you write. So much. It’s a must read in my opinion, and if people have a different opinion than mine, then they are wrong. I said it.

  5. #2 – I thought the meme was funny, although I am at the opposite end of the spectrum and asking, “Wait, did we ever have winter?” #californiadrought
    #3 – My Lents have always, always sucked. But this is the first year I feel like I actually made some progress and was relatively consistent in trying. (And I’m not talking about only consistently eating chocolate on Sunday cuz it’s a mini-Easter.) For a slacking procrastinator like me that is huge. So don’t get discouraged with yourself. You’ve still got a week left. ;-)
    #5 – For Easter we go to the 7:30 am Mass because Sat night Easter vigil is not an option with my boys. Then we go home and let them hunt for Easter eggs. If I’m really ambitious I’ll make a scavenger hunt with clues they have to follow in order to find their Easter baskets. (Depends on how late I stood up putting together their baskets.) Then it’s Easter breakfast, relaxing with too many chocolate eggs followed by Easter dinner at the in-laws. :-)
    #13 – You know if it was just dashing something off, blogging wouldn’t be as hard but there are the other elements too like taking photos to go with the post, editing the photo, uploading it, proof reading what you wrote, rewriting the mess you thought was great the night before, adding tags, categories and checking links. Suddenly my 20 minutes post has taken two hours. Ain’t nobody got time for that! But somehow I manage to do it anyway because it makes me happy once it’s done.

    A blessed Holy Week to you!

    1. Thank you, Bobbi, for the Lenten encouragement. I’m happy to read you’ve had a good one this year!
      And yes to blogging and all that background work: I’m totally energized after I’ve posted!

  6. Enjoyable and encouraging post, as always!!!

    Our Catholic heritage comes from our fantastic, Ukrainian peasant line of the family. Every year we would call our grandmother to hear her answer the phone “Christos Voskrese!” (Christ is Risen) and we would learn how to reply “Voistinnu Voskrese!” (Indeed He is Risen). Our town is Polish, so we celebrated fun Polish traditions at our parish, like the blessing of the Easter food on Holy Saturday. People go all out and make lamb-shaped cakes, jello eggs, and heavy Eastern-European bread with dough crosses baked on top.

    Those pop stick Stations of the Cross were a massive pain in the butt, but we HAVE done them. My two-year-old stays entertained by holding the candle while we do them. Luckily, they made it through this year, so we will have them for next year!!

    1. Oh I love the sounds of your celebration and traditions! Is your town just going to go nuts on John Paul II’s canonization? I’d wanna be there!

      We did get a mini flip-book printed out and laminated of the stations. And I DID get the larger print outs you shared printed and laminated too. So I have them! I just need to finish them for next year. It’s probably a good idea to work on them this summer :).
      Have a great Holy Week!

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