1. Ditto on everything Gina said. This was beautiful! I don’t have a child with autism, so I know very little about it except what moms like you put out there. Isn’t it all too easy to look at a mom struggling with her kids and think she has no control over them?

    Also, genius on the picture idea. Do you print out pictures or do you show them to him on your phone?

    1. Really, the picture idea came from Emmett’s Early Intervention Specialist. I should have noted that! She told me I could create a binder filled with pictures of tasks, chores, food items, and destinations, so that I could show him what we are doing for the day. But I’m not fancy like that so I just take some screen shots of Costco and flash him the screen while we are in the car and that seems to do the trick for the moment.

  2. This post brought tears to my eyes. You are brilliant to have the photo-destination plan. What a blessed kid Emmet is! Also, don’t beat yourself up. I have no high-needs children and I break out in a sweat sometimes thinking of going to the store with mine in tow. Much love, my online friend.

  3. Good on ya for taking a risk.

    I think that one of the hardest parts of being out with littles is that children are not regarded as an everyday occurrence. They are either overly catered to or completely overlooked. No I don’t need them to have stickers or balloons every time we go to the grocery store, but carts with working belts or stalls with changing tables in both the men’s and women’s restrooms would sure help.

    Keep on keeping on.

    1. I know i knowwww! Goodness, the amount of unsanitary conditions I’ve had to change diapers or nurse my people is really baffling.

  4. My dear sweet Carolyn! Have faith that you are, indeed, a WONDERFUL, STRONG & LOVING MOTHER!! I’ve seen both you & Craig with your boys and they are blessed to have you both as parents!! I know life seems overwhelming at times, but again have faith! You are doing things the right way with Emmett, you must believe this!! When it all seems too much just remember to breathe….take a few breaths say a Hail Mary or two & refocus! You can do this! I believe in you 100%!! Love you bunches!!

  5. You’re a beautiful mom.

    My extended family just got hit with two diagnoses of Sensory Processing Disorder in the same sweet family and I’ve seen firsthand how heroic the mothers of kids with special needs must be on a daily, no, hourly basis.

    p.s. that’s Dave Matthew’s wine label. Holla.

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