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  2. I just stumbled across your blog (thank you, Google app!) and let me tell you, it’s a lot like reading my own inner monologue.

    I don’t feel thirty. (Thirty. THIRTY. See? Still weird to me.)

    All this to say, keep up the good work.

  3. Oh gosh. Can SO relate to this. Daniel and I laugh all the time how we can never remember how old we are or how old we’ll be on our birthday. As of not it’s still a shocking, “man, we’re still really young!”.

  4. This is great :) I think about that kind of thing occasionally, since my husband and I just went through the process of graduating college, moving across several states, getting settled in a new city, buying health insurance for both of us, and trying to figure out a budget so we can put money down for a house within a year or so(and we’re 22).

    Also, I’m with you on the “forty/fourty” thing. Why isn’t is spelled fourty? That would make a lot of sense!

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