1. I’ve got to stop reading what other blogger’s are giving up for Lent because every time I read a post like this I think… that is so me! I need to add that to my list! The list is getting a little long. ;-)

  2. Love. I’ve never observed Lent, and didn’t even know what it was until I was a teenager as our first church didn’t even talk about it. But it always seemed like a good opportunity to do more for others rather than do less for ourselves. Focusing on keeping the home comfy, while not fun, will be helpful to your household rather than making momma cranky cause she gave up something she loves. ;)

    That lightheaded-ness when you bend over might be adrenal fatigue rather than thyroid. Is your pulse slow/fast? either could be an indicator. I have hypothyroid and when I was first diagnosed I also had severe adrenal fatigue. I was having blackouts while sitting in a chair doing nothing. my pulse was 90 beats per minute and my blood pressure was only 90/50. no wonder i was blacking out. Doc knew that was it before doing any blood work and finding the hypothyroid. it happens to everyone one every once and awhile Good old Dr. Cole put me on DHEA for a few months at 25mg and then tapered off the last month. Good as new! of course my thyroid is still jacked, but that’s neither here nor there.

    Chiropractic, if you find a good one like mine, can do great things for Carpal. Jesse has it in both wrists, his right had goes numb at night and wakes him up. He’s been seeing the chiro for 2 weeks; it’s already significantly better. the brace is good too, helped Abby’s friend who had pregnancy induced carpal.

  3. I knooooow your pain.

    Laundry: the demise of all my days.

    I have sime stopped “sorting” for my own sanity. Throw it in, one hamper at a time, wash on cold with my “ecos” detergent.

    As for your carpal tunnel – sleeping with a wrist brace will help. I have a duel case of the ol’ CTS (Carpal tunnel Syndrome). Talk about having your hands fall asleep mid blow dry! Not. Fun. The wrist braces at night seem to help.

    Hang in there, dear cousin! I will pray for your continued peace and sanity. Xoxo

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