1. Hi Jenn! Goats milk is a great idea. I recently found goats milk yogurt at the store (for a pretty penny which I can’t do too often), and we’re trying to slowly phase out other dairy in the form of cheeses just to see if he has that allergy. I hope you’re well, lady!

  1. Hey there sweet mama. I know I know I KNOW everyone else has already given unsolicited advice re: eczema but I wanted to chime in with my experience with it, in case it helps you. Because, eczema bites.

    Context: my daughter (15 months old) has food-related eczema. She has a true egg allergy (which we were only able to confirm through blood testing) and suspected rice/oat/corn intolerance. She’s awesome. Anyway, corn and egg are the biggest triggers for her, but I know others say dairy sometimes triggers eczema or sometimes too much sugar.

    A lot of the time, there isn’t a known cause. So frustrating. What we do is avoid the foods that seem to trigger her skin issues. And then follow the dermatological recommendation of frequent, short, lukewarm baths (with just water or a gentle cleanser) and SLATHERING Eucerin creme (or a similar super-emollient creme) on immediately post-bath to seal in moisture. We’d previously only ever used frou frou organic baby products, and bathed babe infrequently because sensitive skin usually does better with less bathing…. But the newest recommendation says to bathe MORE, so bathe more we do. And Eucerin works, and is better than steroids. We also use calendula creme on flare ups, and I know others say Aquaphor is awesome on red spots.

    Hope you find an answer for your sweet babe soon!

    1. Thank you Sarah! We are trying to follow and note what he eats, and how his skin responds. We were told to try Aveeno Oatmeal Bath and lotion and it actually made him REALLY swollen and broken out. amazing.

  2. Poor beybey! Thats awful to have, especially on his eye!
    My son has mild atopic eczema (and so does my dog lol). My sister is a pediatrician and she always says with allergies it’s better to use allergy medicine, and even mild steroids, at the first sign of trouble rather than allow allergies to go unchecked because they can have a snowball effect and lead to much more serious medical intervention.

    However, my son drinks nettle tea, uses calendula lotion, an occasional oatmeal bath and peppermint compresses when it gets itchy, and he hasn’t had a bad flare up in over a year. My pediatrician told me to stop using soap directly on his body, just putting a little in the bath water instead, and that made a big difference. Soap was drying out his skin too much. Luckily most people outgrow eczema, although it usually transitions into just regularly ol’ seasonal allergies.

    1. Thank you, Kierstin! Soap just straight into the bath instead of directly on his body is a great idea, and that’s what we’ve been doing. Thank you for that! I’m happy to hear your son’s doing much better!

  3. I’ve had eczema since I was a kid (everywhere from my arms, neck, to my eyelids ). Sugar, bread, and allergies seem to make it flare up. Eczema comes from having to much yeast in your system. I would try homeopathic remedies or if he can handle it swishing olive oil in his mouth for a little bit (aka oil pulling). Hope this helps.

  4. Hi there! My doc gave me steroid cream for eczema too, and then 2 years later after persistent skin problems 2 different docs told me to never ever put steroid cream on my face because it thins it out. I just thought I’d mention it in case your doctor was anything like my first! I was so mad when I found out! Poor little guy…I feel for him! Hope it gets better!


  5. Adults in my family have eczema. It’s rough. I have it in my left ear canal, people think I’m digging for wax (gross) but I’m just scratching my rash!

    Hoobey graduates in two weeks and specializing in internal medicine. Maybe next time you can take a pic and he can look at it before going to the doctor. ☺

  6. Poor baby! Rachel may be right, could be an allergy or sensitivity. Has he tired any new foods recently or have you switched soaps? Or maybe you even went somewhere new with possible irritants. Steroids are awful stuff to rely on so finding a cause is still a good idea. Maybe allergy testing? Hope everyone gets better soon!

  7. Ga! Eczema is the freaking worst! I’ve had the worst time with it since I was little and every doctor has only given me steroids for it. WHich helps clear it up, but it just comes back again.

    I’ve found that sugar triggers it for me (although for most people it’s gluten or dairy). Also from my research, it seems to be caused by the gut. Probiotics have helped me (kumbocha etc…).

    Hope things get better for you!

  8. Hang in there my dear sweet Carolyn! You are a GREAT Momma! As far as I know there is no know cause for eczema. All you can do is treat it with the steroid cream the Doc prescribed for Collin. I know that isn’t much help to you, but as in many cases, it is what it is! Keep doing what you’re doing & everyone will be fine! Much love!
    Aunt Lisa

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