OBX 2017 (Svell Vacay #2)
Just a few pics, a few too many words.
Vacation this year was a funny trade off. First, we went to OBX. Last year was PCB. We found a rental that had not yet been built and was literally finished the week before we arrived- so $ wise it was good.
But man, if I had to be a privileged white girl and complain about my vacation right off the bat and send my readers to the X tab while rolling their eyes, I’d whine about the unfriendly and chilly Atlantic waters. We hardly spent any time on the beach because it just wasn’t enjoyable. Windy, chilly, unsafe for small kids. The whole family concurs that Gulf of Mexico is where the party at. BUT! I won’t complain. It was vacation, and we spent an entire week with people we love, in a really nice house, eating DONUTS and ACAI BOWLS.
This year was much better as far as Emmett and Collin being older. There were no pee-in-the-car-in-a-cup events. Emmett was officially potty efficient by September of last year, AND he’s warmed up to using public restrooms, AND he thinks doing a “standing pee” is super convenient when you’re in an unfamiliar and loud restroom (I. DO. TOO.) You win, there, males.
BUT. Emmett is even more aware than ever about where exactly we are driving, which road we are traveling on, if we are supposed to turn left or right, and which state we are in. He loves states, maps, directions, signs– all that stuff. And he was extremely delighted to read the WELCOME TO VIRGINIA, then WEST VIRGINIA, and finally NORTH CAROLINA as we passed them. And he remembered exactly how we were supposed to drive back home. So, when we had to detour, or stop for a break… there was screaming and outrage. Which, all things considered, was fine. And his end-goal was the same as ours:
We decided to minimize Emmett’s stress and frustration (and that of the whole house) by not allowing any iPad/iPhone device playing by any of the boys. Not during the 11 hour drive, not in a restaurant, not when it rained for two days. The problem when Emmett plays is not that he doesn’t choose an educational app– he does. He really uses an iPad or iPhone way better as far as educational purposes goes than any child I’ve ever seen. But when it’s time to turn it off, say to eat, go potty, or sleep, he absolutely WILL NOT. He literally won’t stop to eat or pee. So when we have to physically take it away, the meltdown is enormous and earsplitting. And it’s not over quickly, and it then becomes an obsession which he repeatedly asks for, cries over, and hunts for– for the next 3-5 days ALL DAY until it fizzles out.
It worked out so, so, so well. Except for once when he snuck and found my phone charging in our room, and took what is probably the best photographical representation of our vacation out of all the Instagrammy pics I took:
Anyway. Nice week, a little more exhausting than I’d hoped. And boy, a pregnant Carolyn can’t tolerate too much sunshine– sitting out for longer than 20 minutes made me feel sick and headachy. I’ve read there’s a bio-med reason for this to do with adrenals, thyroid, and low sodium levels… but it was just an internet whisper so I …am not, in fact, a tan pregnant goddess this summer, and ye olde melasma will probably be forthcoming as the summer wears on. Proof in the fam pics.
BUT! The trade off is that opposite from exactly a year ago, I had full, painless, mobility –like a normal Carolyn, only a little pregnant! And the boys had a blast. AND my sister in law, “sis” as the boys lovingly call her, was able to join us this year. She is simply a wonderful woman, she delights in the boys, and is one of the literal 5 (or less) people Craig and I can fully trust with our boys. A Carolyn at her age wanted nothing to do with children, so, she’s a wonder to me. When she’s there, everything is just better.
Those donuts😬 When are you finding out what you are having?!?!?! Can’t wait to hear!!!