1. Lol, we potty trained our first when our second was 4 weeks old, too. Big mistake. HUGE. I mean, it was fine, whatever, but I will never do that again. (Also, my husband convinced me to do it, too. Not okay, man. Putting my foot down next time.)

  2. I’m having this with 3 to 4 still at 10 months in at times. My oldest likes to have his hand held through things as he’s just that personality and it makes for rough times with a higher needs baby that won’t be content on her own. Your new baby is beautiful.

  3. Well, I went from 3 to 5 so whew! Got to miss out on that one. Three to five was wild, wild times though. Wild. Six was cake and we’ll find out about 7 in another fifteen weeks or so.

    I don’t have any children on the autism spectrum, but I do have kids that like to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over, just because it tickles their mouth and ears. Drives me up the wall. “Thomas Jefferson and old Ge-ORGE Washington sailed the OCEAN blue”. Please, not another 300x.

  4. My son doesnt phave autism but still finds it necessary to say “take over the world” in a robot voice about a million times a day.

  5. Agreed x1000 4 to 5 was hellish- and you are amazing having all boys + one with special needs- seriously super woman, no matter how many messes. Homeschooling with this many littles is the most insane thing I’ve ever tried to do. Solidarity and prayers, Carolyn!!

  6. You are Wonder Woman, super mom, and a true inspiration! I seriously feel like I’ve become a better mom after listening to your episode on Fountains of carrots and working more diligently to be calm and centered in my day to day parenting.

  7. Oh you’re totally right, 4 to 5 was really really hard!!! Part of it is also that there’s no longer any possibility of simultaneous naptime + school needs to get done, I think? What a little love, though!!

    1. We have 8 but with a 6 year gap in tiers. Tier 1 is the “older” kids. Then we had 5 in 7 years and that’s Tier 2. And totally agreed-4 to 5 in my Tier 2 has been butt-kicking. However, I have help from Tier 1 but it isn’t a perfect scenario either. They are their own group of mess too. Solidarity and congratulations!!

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