1. I follow your blog from time to time and thank you, thank you, thank you for posting such a wonderful essay on gaining a fresh perspective on life. Being a stay at home mom to 4 little kids with no family close by has been the hardest yet most amazing experience of my life. And I have found just taking a moment for myself, alone, can have the most healing and profound shifts in the way I see the moment I am in. Your line of “30 minutes of quiet in the car” had me cracking up and is so true! You are an awesome mom, many blessings to you and your family on the rest of your pregnancy and thank you for creating a blog that is so comforting to alot of women in so many places :)

  2. I loved this and felt every word. Amen sister. amen.
    I am SO glad you got your relaxing vacation! I hope it lasts you until the next one comes along…

    and “breastfeeding jail” is such a perfect description of how it feels… affectionately of course. :)

  3. Okay so I was seriously crushing on your lashes in your selfies, and then you mentioned that you’d given them some extra love… I have to know your secrets.

  4. Every five lines of this post has me resisting the urge to scroll to the combox and wax on in solidarity. But, I made it to the end without chattibg your pretty ear off, and I will sum it up by saying, “all of this.”

    I’m sitting here with kids plopped in front of the TV on a Saturday while Mike is on vacation at Lowes, and I’ve had to stop about seven times while trying to comment to say, “stop head butting your brother!”


    So glad to hear a sane person say something other than “cherish these days.” I could cherish them more if I could take a break, ammiright?


  5. If there was a way to absolutely paste a huge heart on this post I would. I know the feelings you go through on a daily basis and am so so so happy you got a little break. As moms I think we need it and need that extra time to recharge the batteries and keep going in our daily struggles and vocation. You look absolutely gorgeous and can’t wait to “meet” the 4th little gorgeous baby of yours!

  6. It sounds like it was such a wonderful and much needed rest for you! It’s wonderful how travel can bring you back refreshed to the parts of life that seem to be most draining. I hope you feel refreshed long after your return!

  7. Aww, Carolyn. So glad you got to get away. Because of everything you just said, it’s so true. You’re a great mom by the way.

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