1. Oh my goodness I love this so much! I may have to snag this idea cause there are so so so many days when paper blogging would make more sense. It reminds me of Amelia’s notebook, which was only one of the greatest books of my childhood!

  2. Love it! What are the rules? When do we play?

    How’s the week ending? Mine is ending close to how you’ve described yours…sigh.

    1. Yay! I’m thinking just a few times a month. Mostly because I’m fairly inconsistent :) I’ll let you know when, but don’t let that stop you if you want to do one now or whenever :)

  3. lol! This is awesome! First off, you’re hand writing is so pretty :-) Second…hell yes. I’ve had a sick kiddo, which means I get nothing done .Which means the house looks like I sit around watching tv all day. Which I don’t. Although that would be nice…

  4. This describes my life perfectly right now! With the new baby and the four year old that never stops talking, on top of being so worn out over the house selling process, I’ve thrown all expectations of productivity out the window. It’s kind of nice to just play in the sandbox while the baby naps, but yes, I still feel like I need to give my husband a list of “important” things that I’ve managed to do. (Not that he really cares, but I worry that he does but just won’t say it.)
    Also, I’m in love with that little smudge by the word “ink”:)

    1. I know, I think we put that pressure to prove we DID something, more on us than anyone else. Thank you Laura. Snuggle those sweet beebees!

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