
7 Quick Takes #25

7 Quick Takes #25

A late 7 Quick Takes, and I apologize in advance, they’re not quick. Always a pleasure to join Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary. –1– I’m putting this out there right away: I’ve been working on a post, and scheduled it for next week- about the Catholic Mass, and why it’s so BORRRRINGGGG. This has proved…

5 Faves #5

5 Faves #5

Linking up with one of my favorite Catholic Bloggers, Hallie to talk about 5 of my favorite thiiiings. –1– My husband and I caught this song on the radio. I was surprised by the stark contrast it posed to the abrupt vulgarity and the obnoxiously discothèque-y bump n’ grind stuff (which is fine, I like…

What I Wore Sunday #10

What I Wore Sunday #10

WUH-WUH-Welcome to this week’s What I Wore Sunday Post with FL&P! ‘Twas a busy weekend full of Zoo chaos. Sweaty Zoo chaos. Craig, my bro-in-law, AND my little bro all work together. For the same company. How excellent is that? It really is. They enjoy it, and boy do my sister and I enjoy commiserating…

7 Quick Takes Friday #15

Hai.  Welcome Jen back to her 7QT’s with me, will ya?  I don’t know how or when she finds the time, but she’s back, blogging with hilarity. -1- That’s something I’d like to know, actually.  I’m sure if I dig, Jen’s got a post about her schedule or writing routine.  To my momma readers/writers, how…