
Out of my lack of being able to speak charitably due to my impatient and overly aggravated prego hormones, I made these “memes” the other night while I was up with heartburn, brewing over ….ahhh… just STUFF.   I’ve been thinking, after reading repeated, multiple angry, confused, uneducated and ignorant statements made by people I…

What your Doctor won’t tell you about Birth Control… and may not even know him/herself.

A problem exists with the way medicine is currently practiced. One issue is that things really aren’t set up so doctors can get to know their patients well, thoroughly answer all questions and concerns, and also adequately inform their patients of all options and the ramifications of each one. A 15 minute office visit just…

[youtube] This is such a wonderful talk representative of Catholic views.  While she’s not the most eloquent speaker -she’s nervous and not very fluid- she makes profound and thought-provoking statements that opponents of NFP and pro-life views often times -to me personally, anyway- reject or have not pondered before.  Think deeper than the “band-aid”….