OHH hai. So I’m deciding to take my “maternity leave” from my blog for a while. As the weeks stretch on, I’m finding myself increasingly uncomfortable, irritable, completely forgetful and with total negligence of grammatical correctness (which irks me greatly) or any sort of polite decorum. See what I mean: polite decorum? Isn’t that kind…
So we didn’t have electricity for 24 hours due to windstorms that swept through our area this weekend. It brought back flashes of the power outage my city (and many surrounding) experienced about 4 years ago. That summer, we went almost a week without power. I think? It was definitely a few days. It was…
Busy I’ve been. I’ve been reading but not taken much time to regurgitate any of my thoughts. And that’s fine. Now that I’m in the grand third trimester, I’ve finally felt myself motivated to clean and organize: something I’ve not felt even a tiny inkling to do for the previous six months leading up to…
Woes of a (fairly) Young Momma
In lieu of the last post, in which I declared that despite my pregnant disposition, I was not emotional, I write now it appears, as a hypocrite. The third trimester has run over me like a big, fat dump truck. I knew the exhaustion would settle back in, but I always forget how difficult it…