
Two stories can be told by this photo. Story One: Not 15 minutes after photographing this sparse montage of Lexington’s brooms, it got pooped on. I’m not joking! Lexington has been slowly and gently potty-training. I’m not a pusher and sometimes when I ask him if he wants to try he tells me no. I…

Moms don’t get the PLEASURE of being sick! This sentence, said by my sister is an accurate one.   It’s hilarious at first thought.  Who would ever think being sick is a pleasure!? But then if you have infants/toddlers, you’ll know what I mean.  By no means do i suggest that being sick is desirable…

The Most Expensive Piece of Fabric Breastfeeding Mommas Will Ever Need.

It’s called the Bébé au Lait, or to be more descriptive, the Hooter Hider. Make no mistake, it needs to be the Bébé au Lait brand though. What it is: A large piece of fabric that hangs around mommy’s neck to hide herself and the baby while she’s breastfeeding. Uses: There’s a built-in plastic…