
7 Quick Takes #22

7 Quick Takes #22

What? It’s friday? Yah. Hey Jen & all you other Quick Takers! This week has been stuck on Monday. I feel like I’ve blacked-out and OD’d on housewifery. Craig’s finishing up a particularly heavy load of course work for school and has been gone from sun up til about 10pm three nights this week. I…

7 QT Friday #20 Poop of Fame edition + Writing Insecurities + Desperate Fashion Designing

It’s Friday! Hooray! I am SO excited to… be sick. Deflating balloon sound. 7 Quick Takes here with Jen at Conversiondiary. -1- Tonsilitis. S’what I’ve got. I’ve never had’er before. I took a gander at my throat a few nights ago and, mmm! Charming. -2- As a child, getting sick would be a vacation of…