[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m6ofEFtOCg?wmode=transparent&autohide=1&egm=0&hd=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&showsearch=0&w=500&h=281] “The producers of October Baby have assigned 10% of the profits of the movie to Every Life is Beautiful Fund, which will distribute funds to frontline organizations helping women facing crisis pregnancies, life-affirming adoption agencies, and those caring for orphans.” The movie comes out March 23. Okay and so does The Hunger…
Planned Parenthood is Accused of 6M Fraud
Again, I continue to doubt that PP has women at the center of the core of their values. For the lazy reader (I know we all can be some days), here’s an excerpt: However, owing to financial pressures of its own, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast leaders and staff collaborated to register all kinds of…
Okay so I may be an artist. But that doesn’t mean that creative thinking comes easily for me. Most of the time I need poked by inspiration or someone else’s creative ideas in order to play it out in my brain what I need to do. So this lack of creativity resonates into my parenting…
On Snooki’s Pregnancy:
Oh the “intelligence” that keeps being tactlessly flung at me lately! I had shared an article from Live Action’s web site on FB about how pro-lifers need to be able to rationally defend their views, instead of using the same type of closed-down rhetoric that many pro-aborts do. Here’s a relatively small excerpt from the…