
What I Wore Sunday

Another link-up in which I love participating is What I Wore Sunday over at Fine Linen & Purple.  I think probably everyone has, at some time or does currently, fret over what is appropriate attire for Mass, or at least have once desperately exclaimed,  “WHAT do I have to wear at all?!?”.  I have a blog entry…

7 Quick Takes Friday #8

-1- I’ve never had dreams of food -that I can recall- however, I dreamt of melting butter last week, when I had meant only to thaw it.  Then, in real life, I woke up going  ”hmm, that’s strange.” because I am a diligent thawer of something as delicate as butter.  And wouldn’t you know, later that…

Stomach Bug Blues

I’ve gotta get it out.  My oldest boy has the poops.I don’t have the poops, that’s not what I gotta get out. I know I’m not the only one, I know this isn’t the last time this’ll happen, I know this isn’t even the worst thing I’ll have to deal with and I know this…