I finished reading Abby Johnson’s book, Unplanned. I’ll start off by saying it wasn’t the Planned Parenthood-bashing style book I’d expected it to be. This book affirmed many of the sentiments I’ve begun to feel and realizations I’ve begun to materialize over the past few years: There are good, well-intentioned people on both sides of the…
Resources On Life
Why We March For Life Today is the 2012 March For Life! I hope all goes peacefully for the marchers, especially the St. Francis de Sales group and all college kids. Last year over 400,000 marchers protested Roe v Wade. hmmmm…let’s see how many news stations cover that, and actually air the massive amount of…
The Right Choice
Last year, I published a very unoriginal but modernized note on Facebook about a very special unplanned pregnancy. I want to share it again, here: “ One day, a young girl, who was engaged to her fiancé, became pregnant before she was married. She did not become pregnant by her fiancé either. There was someone else. This…
I Chose Life. And his name is Lexington Anthony.
At 23, I was bartending, serving at my favorite restaurant, working two other jobs and finishing up college. At 23 I was going going going all the time- and it was F U N. I would work hard all day, and at 11pm, when I cleaned my last table for the night, I would go…