1. Loved seeing this little time capsule of your births! You look really great after Birth #3 (even with all the crazy). I’ll bet you’ll look even better after birth #4–if anything, that room and the living room thing is AWESOME!

  2. There were no pictures of me taken until the next day, not even pictures with my baby. I don’t feel I missed out. I had Lucia in a birth center and labored for hours in and out of a tub and shower and was so gross. Hoping for a home birth next time and I’m certain there will be no day-of-birth pictures of me then either. It’s just not a sight that needs to be saves for posterity.

  3. Those first pictures made me laugh and laugh. But the fourth made me swoon. I want that birth center like nobody’s business, since insurance won’t pay for my home births. But since my last after birth party included a liquor store parking lot, a whole bunch of police and firefighters, and a limo, er, ambulance ride to the hospital, I supposed we’d better just suck it up and pay for the home births from now on.

    Can’t wait to read how it goes!

  4. Praying you have a wonderful, amazing birth, Carolyn! You’ll love the tub :) I do probably have a few choice after birth shots but I’m not sure they’re quite internet-appropriate…

  5. Ay yi yi I am right there with you fantasizing about giving birth. In really curious to see how this works out for you. I had considered going to the birthing center for both my second and third but I already have a midwife and I love going to her so much I couldnt do it. Of course, I think the tiny hospital in our college town is accustomed to serving earthy professors wives, so theyre pretty ok with letting you do whatever you want. Ive heard some horror stories from friends so I’m super thankful I’ve had good birth experiences. Heres to us both having a pleasant time next month!

  6. Jealous! Wanted this place with #3 and was told I was too high risk because I wanted a natural vbac. (stupid emergency c-section, still ruining my plans years later.) Now with #5, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll never get this type of experience unless I birth at home and while I’ve considered it, I’ve had too many last minute emergencies in labor to make me comfortable with that idea. I hope you get the sweet tub! The hospital soaking tube was my saving grace with my first!

    1. We would have loved to try a homebirth but because of family history of heart defects, it’s not in the cards for us either. Have to be in a hospital! Congratulations to you, by the way!!!!

  7. What IS this place?! I mean, I wasn’t displeased with my hospital experiences overall (granted, I’m not exactly hippieish, either) but this looks all kinds of amazing.

  8. Births- they never go quite according to plan, do they? I hope your fourth is everything you want it to be, but failing that, I hope you come out of it with a happy and healthy baby!

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