Woah Woah Woah–
HAY GURL, HAYY! I guest blogged for the very first time!
I couldn’t be more excited to contribute to such a lovely, wholesome blog. Fine Linen & Purple: a blog dedicated to inspiring your every day woman (young, old, married, single, mother, working or work at home) to value and embrace her feminine dignity through fashion and healthy body image. Here’s an excerpt from my entry about my ridiculous fashion prejudices:
When I was six years old, I detested buttons.
Buttons on shirts, buttons on pants, buttons on coats.
It didn’t matter which shape or what color they were, I loathed them.
Not for the reason one might think (that buttons can be difficult for little, impatient fingers), I thought they looked stupid, but mostly, that they would look stupid on me.
Oversized sweatshirts, and leggings with the stirrups were what lots of girls were wearing (90′s chick here) so you can bet your buttons I was quite enthusiastic about the stirrups as opposed to jeans. Ah, yes, I fondly recall the uncomfortable yet inevitable annoyance of feeling the stirrup slowly inching its way off of my heel underneath my socks and shoes as I ran across the playground.
So here we are today. I’m 28, button abhorrence forgotten (until this moment). However, I’ve realized I have prejudices about other kinds of clothes– wait, wait, wait…
To read more, get thee to Fine Linen & Purple!